NEW: The Revere Chrome Extension
The notepad, a.k.a. the scratchpad, a.k.a. the Post-It note.
For those of us who work at desks, they are priceless for capturing a thought when there are a million other things going on. That’s why we made a Revere browser extension for Chrome and designed it to be as easy to use as a note pad.
Even though our phones are always with us, they're teeming with notifications ready to distract. How many times have we picked up our phones with a task in mind and only liked photos for 10 minutes instead! The Revere Chrome extension sits in your browser and lets you stay focused on where you’re working until you need it. Then when you do, you can add a note in seconds.
Designed for minimal interruption
Because capturing a note is halfway to remembering, the Chrome extension was designed to be quick to use so it would never feel like it was an interruption. Tuned for keyboards, you can add a note without lifting your hands from the keys. And adding multiple notes is easy because the cursor is ready to type after every time you save.
Single purpose
To keep the Revere Chrome extension as simple as a notepad, it’s designed to do only one thing: add notes. Every note is automatically sent to your Note Inbox and is there the next time you open Revere, ready to file.
The extension is free and available on the Chrome Web Store here and makes the perfect companion to Revere. It’s another way we’re making it easier to capture notes so you can remember people and stay in the moment.
Using the keyboard makes adding multiple notes super fast.